Affiliate Marketing Course for SMEs
Catch up on new trends in partners, payouts and possibilities in Pay-for-Performance
Industry reports that 80% of companies now report to have programs, making up between 10-30% of sales. Estimates of 10% growth per year, increased conversions (5.84% vs. 4%) and average order value (up 88%) when affiliate marketing is added to the mix entice advertisers. Return on ad spend ratios that average 12:1 look pretty darn good too. Technology reduces old objections, such as fraud and limited attribution options.
New exciting trends in the types of partners, from direct mail, print, TV and radio to technology and other brands multiply the creative opportunities to deepen relationships and increase revenues.
Update: Grab this course as a stand-alone or as part of a Digital Marketing Certificate Program from the, available on-demand as a recording to hear case studies, a guide to set up a successful program, a report to help persuade executives, checklists and a free copy of my book, Rockin’ ROI: How to Bootstrap Ecommerce with Performance-based Marketing.
See the full course description for details.