Authors: Working Additional Income Streams on Amazon?
Authors: While you can’t sell your own books on Amazon, take advantage of other opportunities to leverage your following on Amazon.
- Snag your personalized author page on Amazon and tie your blog to it. Folks will see reviews of your books, your bio and posts.
2. If you have substantial followers, sign up to be an Amazon Influencer and share items for sale on Amazon that are your favorites that you can compile in Idea Lists, including books from other authors.
3. If you don’t have any, or just a few followers, you can still sign up to be an Amazon Associate, an affiliate, to promote individual products on Amazon.
Authors: While you can’t sell your own books on Amazon, take advantage of other opportunities to leverage your following on Amazon. Share on X4. Got a podcast? Submit your RSS feed to Amazon Music & Audible to get your listing. When your podcast is in directories, it will be available on Alexa.
5. Submit to Amazon’s Alexa as a Flash Briefing for those who don’t listen to podcasts.
6. For more of my tips, head to:
Be sure to search on “Freebies.”