35,000 Decisions/Day, a Short List of LinkedIn’s Best Experts, Plus Tips for Thought Leadership and Repurposing Newsletters
Cracking the code to revolutionize business, and ways to leverage LinkedIn and newsletters

📹 Featured Podcast Episode
“Making Better, More Reliable Decisions for Better Business Outcomes”
Did you know you make 35,000 decisions every day? Listen to my interview with turnaround expert and growth specialist Alex Devereux, founder of The Devereux Group, as we discuss how to make better decisions.
✂ More Inspiring Ideas From Experts On…
💡 Reach more prospects on LinkedIn – for free – through thought leadership
LinkedIn uses AI to generate generic business questions that you might like to answer. It’s collaborative – others can answer the same question. Demonstrating enough answers can lead to Top Badges on given topics (notice Brynne Tillman’s in the image below). To see what topics might interest you, go to: https://LinkedIn.com/advice.
💡 “This is a new thing, but long overdue.”
I never tire of smart tips and examples from audience growth coach Josh Spector, who is willing to “build in public,” letting us in on new things he’s trying. Like Josh, you might like to publish a blog post that includes all the daily (or weekly) newsletters you sent the previous month. Find this and other great ideas in this post of his.
💡 “Best of” series: folks to follow to learn more about LinkedIn
Finally, I’m beginning to publish my “Best of” series. This issue, it’s a list of experts I follow on LinkedIn that might help you take better advantage of this platform. I don’t want to overwhelm, so this list is brief…
Brynne Tillman – Brynne coaches business people, notably those in the financial services space, to use LinkedIn better. CEO of Social Sales Link, Brynne and her colleagues offer free trainings and paid coaching to level up results in a community, newsletter, blog, and podcast. Brynne’s profile is an amazing example of the many ways to use yours to show how you help prospects and clients.
Richard van der Blom – Thanks to LinkedIn geek Richard, I can keep up with the ongoing algorithm changes in LinkedIn that can affect the what, who, when, why, and how of using LinkedIn.
Justin Welsh – Justin is a relative newcomer to LI (I’ve been following Brynne, for example, for 8 years), but has made a spectacular study of it. His specialty is organizing time and effort to increase results more efficiently and he’s very good at it. He also is generous with his advice.
Joe Apfelbaum – You might enjoy Joe’s “What To Do on LinkedIn With 15 Minutes a Day” (hour-long video). https://ieaweb.com/membership-benefits/iea-webinars/108-what-to-do-in-15-min-per-day-on-linkedin-hosted-by-joe-apfelbaum-march-2020.html
Andy Foote – Not just a LinkedIn trainer and coach, Andy hosts LinkedIn Lives and gives us a perspective of things LinkedIn can do better.
There are many others, and from time to time, I’ll share posts and tips from other LinkedIn pros like Penny Sansievieri, Anne Pryor, and Mandy McEwen.
Notice Brynne’s suggestion below to “Ring My Bell” to get notified of her posts and the bell across from her photo on the far right.

🆓 Freebie Course
Picking up on last month’s list of free courses offered by top marketing and business experts, HubSpot is an organization that has plowed a ton of time and talent into free courses in marketing, sales, and service. Check out the full catalog here. Then look over the free tools too.
What I’m Working On Now
I’m still working on some “best of” lists to share expert sources of marketing and business wisdom that I follow. Next month, I’ll share the best marketing newsletters that I count on. Upcoming: podcasts, books, and blogs. I’ll continue to delve into ideas to help businesses get more business as always ~ for free.
Coming Up Next Month…
Another way to use the Featured Section of your LinkedIn profile…
🛣 Road Trips
Enjoy birding, hiking, biking, dining, and interesting stories from history in US-Mexico border towns in Road Less Traveled: Columbus, New Mexico.
🎣 Easy (Apparently Memorable) Pasta Recipe
Years later, the first thing a friend we saw recently recalled was what we made her for dinner – what we call Jim’s Smoked Salmon Pasta Al Fresca. This is a quick and easy dish – and I guess it makes quite the impression on guests!
Let’s Connect! (On Medium for books, course, newsletter, products, and socials).
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*Affiliate disclosure: From time to time, I may recommend something I use, or that I have used with a client or someone I respect has used. I’ll let you know with affiliate link notice. I’m also a member of the Medium Partner Program. I may get a credit or a small spiff, but you will never pay more because I get a reward. Sometimes we both get rewards!