
Experts I Follow

Marketing and business pros we all can learn from

No one person can keep up with all the marketing choices in platforms, methods and tools. So I’ve compiled my list of go-to people, many whom I’ve been following for over ten years. I read their blogs and email newsletters, listen to their podcasts, webinars and Facebook Lives as well as courses. These are speakers, authors and entrepreneurs that help me keep up with marketing and business trends so I can share it with my audience. I’ve always noticed that early adopters of a new opportunity make the most profits before mass adoption and price escalation. Check out the list of free Courses too; many are taught by the experts on this list.

ExpertsDescriptionBlog/Site/Find/Newsletter signupNewsletter/Facebook Signup
Ann Handley of Marketing Profs
Digital marketing & content expertMarketingProf's siteMarketingProf newsletter signup
Brendan Hufford
SEO instructor and consultant
Brendan's siteBrendan Hufford's newsletter signup
Brynne Tillman of Social Sales Link
LinkedIn expert, trainer, coach
Brynne on LinkedInSocial Sales Link blog
Denise Wakeman
Digital marketing guide
Denise's siteDenise's 5 Things Newsletter signup
Jay Baer at Convince and Convert
Content marketing strategies
Convince and Convert blogConvince and Convert newsletter signup
Kim Doyal
Content marketing & WordPress expert
Content Creators Planner blogKim's site
Lou Bortone
Video marketing strategist, trainer, consultant
Lou's blogLou's newsletter
Mari Smith
Facebook & Instagram marketing trainer
Mari's blogMari Smith's Social Scoop Facebook group
Neil Patel
Content and SEO marketer, teacher, author.
Neil's siteNeil Patel's newsletter signup
Pete Vargas
Growing businesses through live online & in-person stages.
Advance Your Reach siteAdvance Your Reach resources
Blogging advice, tips & in-depth tutorials.
Problogger's siteProblogger's Facebook group
Seth Godin
Marketing author, speaker, entrepreneur
Seth Godin's siteSeth's blog by email newsletter signup
Social Media Examiner
Social media marketing resource
Social Media Examiner siteSocial Media Examiner newsletter signup
Joanne McCallMedia Publicist & TrainerMedia Strategy SessionMedia Breakthrough Package
Beasley Direct & Online MarketingOffline & digital online marketing agencyBeasley Direct siteBeasley Direct newsletter signup

Once you’ve checked out these experts, look over the list of Courses, as I have listed many of the courses done by these folks over there.