Hit your goals faster with this easy program to fast-track your business with powerful partners.
☛ Make your strategy to build and nurture a network of powerful partners. Learn how top experts succeed with their dream networks, creating multi-million dollar enterprises. Get the Dream Networking Program guide, video, workbook and spreadsheet with step-by-step tips and case studies used by pros.☚
Have you been discouraged because you haven’t gotten the traction you need for your business? Zero in on the specific methods used by twelve super stars, including Tom Bilyeu, Russell Brunson, Mari Smith and Jay Abraham.
Improve your professional and personal life by making the effort to meet people who could transform your business. Create a new enriching habit!
I created this presentation after researching the dream networking concept. After finding several different cases of marketing experts where they each used different methods, yet shared some identical threads, I knew every small business could benefit.
✧ 35-page presentation deck
✧ 1 30-minute video
✧ 1 15-page workbook
✧ 1 Contact spreadsheet
Here’s what you get:
☛ ☛ ☛ The Dream Networking Presentation Deck and Video☚☚☚
Watch the 30-minute video presentation to learn tactics of each of the twelve pros. The video is inserted into the slide deck used for the recording which includes tons of links to follow the trails these experts continue to blaze.
☛ ☛ ☛ The Dream Networking Workbook☚☚☚
Dive deeper into specific exercises in the Dream Networking Workbook as recommended by five of these professionals. Then follow my 7 Steps to achieve your goals.
☛ ☛ ☛ The Dream Networking Contact Spreadsheet☚☚☚
Next, use the Dream Networking Contact Spreadsheet to keep contact information, record social media and web statistics of your targets and log interactions with deadlines for next steps.
This is a printable, digital download. Nothing will be shipped to you.
You’ll receive these formats of files:
o PDF (Presentation Deck with Video link and Workbook)
o A4
o A5
o Excel worksheet
If you like this planner, you might like my “Meet Someone New Every Day” planner to help connect with key targets who can transform your business.
Your purchase does not include the right to distribute or sell this planner to others.