Build Stronger Bonds With New Customers and Your Network, Choosing Newsletter Platforms and It’s the Berries
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📹 Featured Podcast Episode
How To Attract Your Champagne Client With a Quiz
Frustrated by low close rates? One well-crafted quiz that provides an aha moment for your prospect, while you demonstrate your expertise, might be just the trick!
In our discussion, Catharine takes the old data collection technique of a lame registration request to a new level. Embedding a journey into a quiz injects know, like, and trust into a fruitful experience for both prospect and you. Your future clients discover their most pressing needs and recognize that you are the one with the solution.
The result: a better qualified candidate who is pretty much ready to buy. Expect to close faster and reap a better, stronger bond with your prospects. Sound good? Check out our (just 20-minute) chat and learn from her brilliant example.
Looking for a free tool to help craft the perfect quiz? Take a look at Quiz Maker.
✂ Favorite Curations
💡Robert Glazer: Why I Moved My Writing to Substack
This is a real cautionary tale about newsletters, their cost, platforms that host them, and making money from them. Robert Glazer, an affiliate marketing expert, hosted his newsletter, but also grew his LinkedIn newsletter to 300,000 followers.
This move wasn’t an easy decision. See if this would make sense for you.
💡Freshly Updated: Average lifespan of a blog or social media post
To quote video coach Lou Bortone, it’s old news that video builds know, like, trust faster than any other medium. Content creators might change how much time they devote and the places where they post messages once they know the average lifespan of content. Scott Graffius pulled new stats for 2023. Up from last year? YouTube from 6 days to 8.8. Facebook from 60 minutes to 105.
💡 Unlocking Traffic Secrets: AI Success Club Playbook
This video by copywriting guru Andy O’Bryan and Denise Wakeman shows how to use ChatGPT to define a target group, campaigns, email marketing, SEO, and paid ad creation. In just a few minutes you’ll get a good grasp of the potential for AI to do some heavy lifting.
🆓 Free Course
How to Launch a Community – Free On-Demand Webinar with Pat Flynn
Even if you have already have a LinkedIn group or other community, you can glean important notes from this hour-long webinar. Pat goes through phases from idea validation to launch, describing what’s key to stickiness to get them coming back.
“Great communities grow because of word of mouth.”
–Pat Flynn Click to Tweet.
What I’m Working On Now
I don’t think businesses to the best possible job of working every opportunity to increase their reach that doesn’t cost a dime. So I’m breaking apart my post “30+ Ways to Leverage Other People’s Platforms to Increase Awareness, Credibility, and Revenues.” In September, I’ll publish “30 Ways” in thirty days on Instagram. Stay tuned. I’ll be digging deeper into each method.
Making YouTube Shorts quickly on my phone. Tip: Make sure the first minute of your longer videos counts with a great hook and summary of what to expect. This makes editing your best sound bite quick. Go to your videos on your YouTube app on your phone, choose Remix, then Edit into a Short.
Also, consider all your sound bites before you are interviewed. I suggest pausing for a breath before and after these points, not just for effect, but also to make it easy to pull these segments out for repurposing. I think you’ll be surprised at the number of impressions YouTube yields to your Shorts.
🛣 Road Less Traveled: St. Louis’ National Transportation Museum
Find planes, trains, and classic cars, including Bobby Darin’s Dream Car, a one-off diamond-encrusted DiDia.
🍲Recent Recipe
It’s time to pick blueberries and blackberries in the Pacific North West. Here’s my cobbler recipe for any fruit.
📅 Coming Up Next Month
🎙Catharine O’Leary flips the script on me. She does a deep dive to help me design a quiz to identify gaps my audience might have on the fly. It’s a great demonstration of what a quiz can do for you. It’s also the best portrayal of my “Why.”
Let’s Connect! (On Medium for books, course, newsletter, products, and socials).
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*Affiliate disclosure: From time to time, I may recommend something I use, or that I have used with a client or someone I respect has used. I’ll let you know with affiliate link notice. I’m also a member of the Medium Partner Program. I may get a credit or a small spiff, but you will never pay more because I get a reward. Sometimes we both get rewards!