My Favorite Marketing & Business Books that I Recommend
I’m always looking for the latest news, trends and methods in marketing and business for myself and colleagues. I’m delighted to share those books and authors with my followers, just as I would any friend. I’ve collected quite a few titles of my favorites as well as several from a list by Seth Godin that you may enjoy. They can be found together in my list on Amazon.
Just a couple of notes: 1) I recommend choosing a charity at Amazon from Since it is no skin of my nose (or yours), let Amazon make donations to your favorite cause when you buy anything from their site and 2) I may be compensated in a small way when you click through these links.
I am a big fan of Denise Wakeman’s who taught the blogging segments of Michael Stelzner’s Social Media Summit that I attended some ten years ago. She created a special group called Marketing Trailblazers that is a sanctuary for authors, coaches and entrepreneurs to network and learn from each other. As a member, I’ve compiled another Amazon list of books by that group. Check back, as I will periodically update the list as members publish and new contributors join the group. See that list here.
Enjoying the life of a telecommute, I keep track of computer gadgets that make life easier as well as items for travel, RVing, photography, drawing, home and garden as well as gifts. Peruse all my lists together at:
Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.